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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Search Engine Optimization for Dummies

Having a Web site does not automatically guarantee having traffic, even if you register the site with appropriate search engines. Whether you're an e-tailer who wants customers, a business that wants clients, or an organization that wants to get your message out, Search Engine Optimization

For Dummies explains the rules of the game with information on:

  • Spiders, not the yucky kind, but the software that grabs Web pages, and then,,reads and indexes the information
  • Search indexes or engines, search directories, non-spidered indexes, and pay-per-click systems
  • The eight search systems you really need to impress and how to get your pages into them
  • Keywords and how to choose them strategically and use them often
  • Submitting to the directories, including the biggies (Yahoo! Directory and the Open Director Project) and second-tier directories
  • Using shopping directories for e-commerce sites, complete with a list of nine popular ones and CPCs (cost per click) for various types of merchandise on various sites

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